Device Status

From WebOS-Ports
Revision as of 09:31, 6 October 2019 by Herrie (talk | contribs)
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Status clarifications

Status Meaning
OK Works fine
Partial Works partially but is stable
Unstable Crashes / freezes / glitches
KO Not working, like previously
REG Not working, but has been known to work
N/A Not Applicable/Not Available
? Not tested / Don’t remember
Category Step tenderloin tissot qemux86-64 hammerhead comment
Build date 2019-Oct-06 2019-jun-29 2019-Oct-06 2019-Oct-06
Flash/Sideload Installation OK OK OK OK
Boot LuneOS logo shows up OK OK OK OK
FirstUse app Content shows up OK OK OK OK
Widgets have LuneOS theme OK OK OK OK
Wifi selection works Partial OK N/A OK Status isn’t updated while connecting
"Normal" UI after FirstUse is ended OK OK OK OK
Virtual keyboard Shows up on focus OK OK OK OK Sometimes has issues to show up. Restart of device or luna-next will solve this.
Disappears when focus lost OK OK OK OK
Language switch OK OK OK OK
Additional keys on long-press touch OK OK OK OK
Suggestions ? REG REG REG
WiFi Selection in system menu Partial Partial N/A Partial Fails to connect if already connected to another network
Selection in preferences app Partial Partial N/A Partial Fails to connect if already connected to another network
On/Off switch OK OK N/A OK
Indicator OK OK N/A OK
Keeps configuration between reboots OK OK N/A OK
Bluetooth List bluetooth devices OK OK N/A OK
Selection in preferences app KO ? N/A ? List shows up fine, coupling not tested
On/Off switch KO OK N/A OK
Indicator KO OK N/A OK Hammerhead: BT is active on first boot
Keeps configuration between reboots KO OK N/A KO
Backlight On/Off switch with Power key OK OK N/A OK
Intensity with system menu Partial OK N/A OK Max intensity sometimes seems unreachable
Gyroscope UI follows rotation OK OK N/A OK
Rotation lock in system menu ? OK N/A OK
Sound Boot startup sound OK OK OK OK
Vol+/Vol- on-screen indicator OK OK N/A OK
Volume is actually adjusted OK OK N/A OK
Telephony SIM operator in status bar N/A ? N/A OK
GSM signal strength in status bar N/A OK N/A OK
Data Connection Icon in status bar N/A ? N/A REG
Data Connection Working N/A ? N/A REG Simply test loading or
Call a number N/A ? N/A REG
Receive a call N/A ? N/A REG
Receive SMS N/A ? N/A OK
Compositor Switch card view / maximized card OK OK OK OK
Card view : horizontal scroll OK OK OK OK
Discard card with swipe up OK OK OK OK
Stack cards OK OK OK OK
App name is shown when card maximized OK OK OK OK
Gesture Area Swipe up or tap to go to card view OK OK OK OK
Swipe left ( « back » ) OK OK OK OK
Swipe right to take screenshot OK OK OK OK
Testr GPS Partial Partial Partial Partial HTML5 Accurate is failing
Banners OK OK OK OK
Dashboards OK OK OK OK
System Popups OK OK OK OK
HTML5 Notifications N/A N/A N/A N/A Should be available from Qt 5.13
Sandbox File API Test KO KO KO KO Probably got broken with Qt upgrade
Vibration OK OK N/A OK
Vibration (named effect) N/A N/A N/A N/A Named effect not implemented yet
Apps QML Apps (Browser, Phone apps) OK OK OK Partial Hammerhead: phone sometimes not starting, rebooting or killing it via adb solves it (gstreamer plugin issue?...) Phone app on landscape orientation needs tweaking.
Enyo 2.0 Apps (Messaging, Maps…) OK OK OK OK
Enyo 1.0 Apps (Email, Calendar) OK OK OK OK
JustType shows up and search works OK OK OK OK
Synergy IM Accounts (Skype, ICQ etc) Partial Partial Partial Partial Account can be added. Messages are not being received yet it seems.
Email (IMAP) Partial Partial Partial Partial Email headers will sync after reboot.
Email (POP) ? ? ? ?
Contacts (Google C+DAV, etc) OK OK OK OK Working, but need to fix the Google app authentication error
Calendar (Google C+DAV, etc) OK OK OK OK Working, but need to fix the Google app authentication error