Staging feeds
Y | tested and I can confirm it works as expected |
N | tested and I can confirm it doesn't work as expected (bug numbers will be in comments). |
1/2 | tested and I can confirm it partially works, but there are some new issues (bug numbers will be in comments). |
- | no tests performed |
? | cannot say |
If you have reflashed the image, mark with Y which type did you use and you *have to* change feed url to corresponding staging feed and do opkg update && opkg upgrade too. HOWTO: TODO [Stabilizing]
If you have just opkg upgraded to this feed please mark all image types as N.
If you wonder why someone added Y as usable then it could be because the state is somehow better then what's in public feeds even with some major issues noted in Comments.
Link to downloads: [1]
Really create bug reports for issues you want to see fixed! Your comments here are appreciated and very useful for me to know that some feed shouldn't be merged to public feed, but not very helpful to fix issue
- sometimes we need more information (or just have no idea what could be wrong in "foo didn't work) and it's hard to contact "reporter" with just his wiki login (unless he has the same on IRC), but we can easily comment on ticket.
- sometimes other users have additional information for that issue, but it's not easy to see it here when it's scattered across multiple staging feeds instead of one ticket per issue.
- I try to put what was fixed in Desc: field, but strikethrough ticket number is shorter, easier to read and also link can contain more info about how it was fixed.
Really create bug reports for issues you want to see fixed! Your comments here are appreciated and very useful for me to know that some feed shouldn't be merged to public feed, but not very helpful to fix issue
If you need help how you correctly report a bug take a look here.
Desc: Newer upstream layers, ???
Status: Building, NOT ready for test
Device | ext2 | ext3 | vmdk | Telephony | Networking | WiFi | GPS | Bluetooth | Music | to public feed | Tester | Comments (ticket numbers) |