Contest is for a Wallpaper to be seen on devices when WebOS-Ports Build is installed.
Wallpaper is for inclusion as the wallpaper to appear on the Galaxy Nexus port(1280x720 px), as well as the potential to appear on all future ports.
Because this will be used for both landscape and portrait it is recommended that they be at least 1280px X 1280px
Busy pictures (like the 1st example) make it tough to see the Icons
Best to test your pictures as your desktop wallpaper. If its tough to read icons on your desktop it will be even tougher on a device.
Contest ends February 1st.
Important Lawyery Stuff
No Copyrighted images and no people in shots. (We removed all images with people in them)
How to Submit
1. Create a wiki account Ask @ka6sox, @scoutcamper_1, or @LarrySteeze on twitter or irc to promote your user account
Please name your submission in the following format
2. Browse to http://www.webos-ports.org/wiki/Special:Upload and upload your submissions
3. Edit this page, adding your submission in the following way:
At the bottom add the following
[[File:Username|512px|thumb|left|<title>by [[User:YourNameHere]]]]
Followed by your username on the next line
