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This pages describes the ongoing work on creating a media indexer solution for the webOS ports project.
This pages describes the ongoing work on creating a Media Indexer solution for the LuneOS project. We aim to have an indexer that populates the db8 kinds so they are compatible with legacy db8 kinds. This way we can make sure that legacy apps using Media Indexer will remain functioning. For example when sideloading the legacy com.palm.app.music app, but also 3rd party apps written in Enyo 1/2.
We're going to create a single service solution rather than using three different services as legacy webOS did. Furthermore the idea is to write the full service as node.js service.
The service has the following tasks to do:
* watch specific directories for files added/changed/removed
* gather media information about the different files found (ID3 tags, Exif information, ...)
* save all media files as entry in the db8 database
The following node.js modules might be needed:
* https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3
* https://github.com/nikhilm/node-taglib
=Db8 kinds and data=
<font size = "6">'''Media Indexer'''</font>
The schemas below detail the layout of media JSON data objects kept in db8 device storage; 3rd party applications can access this data using db8 service calls, principally, find and search.
As with all service calls, developers have the following options:
* You can open a shell on a device through adb shell (actual device) or ssh (emulator) and use luna-send to test out accessing services at the command-line.
* Enyo apps can use PalmService.
* JavaScript apps and services can use Foundation library.
To access media data objects, you need to know the name of an object<nowiki>’</nowiki>s ''kind''. Kind objects in db8 define the indexes and access control for stored JSON data objects. You must specify the kind when accessing data objects ''of that kind''. <br><br>The Media Indexer has the following data objects and kinds. Note that the kind names are appended with a version number (i.e., ":1").
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="81%"
|Data Type
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>albumimage</u> </font>
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>album</u> </font>
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>artist</u> </font>
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>audio file</u> </font>
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>genre</u> </font>
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>image</u> </font>
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>playlist</u> </font>
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>thumbnail</u> </font>
|<font color="#0000FF"><u>video file</u> </font>
'''User Permission'''
When launched, your app must get permission from the user to access media data objects. It can do this using the Media Permissions service.
'''Note about the ''''''luna-send ''''''examples'''
The luna-send examples shown below for each schema work because I created an app - com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr - that went through the process of getting permissions from the user. I then used the impersonate app option (-a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr) to get luna-send to work. You '''cannot''' get app permissions using luna-send.
<font size = "5">'''albumimage'''</font>
'''Kind''': com.palm.media.image.album:1
"accountId"    : string,
"modifiedTime" : number,
"name"        : string,
"path"        : string,
"searchKey"    : string,
"showAlbum"    : boolean,
"sortKey"      : string,
"thumbnails"  : thumbnail array
"toBeDeleted"  : string,
"total": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"images" : int,
"videos" : int
"type" : string     
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Account ID
|The last time the album was updated in milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, Midnight, 1970)
|Display name for albums (local albums start off as folder name on disk)
|Path to directory on disk
|Used for searching
|Show album flag
|Used for correct sorting with priority
|thumbnail array
|A pre-populated array of up to three thumbnails to use as previews pulled from the first images of the album
|inline object
|The total number of album images
|The total number of album videos
|Album type
luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find <nowiki>’{</nowiki>"query":<nowiki>{</nowiki>"from":"com.palm.media.image.album:1"<nowiki>}}’</nowiki>
"returnValue": true,
"results": <nowiki>[</nowiki>
"_id": "<nowiki>++</nowiki>HdXBhUoqw7rwCP",
"_kind": "com.palm.media.image.album:1",
"_rev": 712,
"accountId": "",
"modifiedTime": 1310788496,
"name": "Wallpapers",
"path": "/media/internal/wallpapers",
"searchKey": "Wallpapers",
"showAlbum": true,
"sortKey": "900_Wallpapers",
"thumbnails": <nowiki>[</nowiki>
"_id": "2b3",
"data": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"length": 0,
"offset": 0,
"path": "/media/internal/wallpapers/07.jpg"
"type": "embedded"
"_id": "2b1",
"data": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"length": 0,
"offset": 0,
"path": "/media/internal/wallpapers/05.jpg"
"type": "embedded"
"_id": "2af",
"data": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"length": 0,
"offset": 0,
"path": "/media/internal/wallpapers/01.jpg"
"type": "embedded"
"toBeDeleted": "",
"total": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"images": 11,
"videos": 0
"type": "local"
<font size = "5">'''album'''</font>
'''Kind''': com.palm.media.audio.album:1
"artist"              : string,
"genre"                : string,
"hasResizedThumbnails" : boolean,
"name"                : string,
"serviced"            : boolean,
"thumbnails":          : thumbnail array,
"total": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"tracks": int
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="77%"
|Artist name
|Artist name
|Has resized thumbnails flag
|Album name
|Serviced flag
|thumbnail array
|Album thumbnails
|inline object
|See element below
|Total number of tracks on album
luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find <nowiki>’{</nowiki>"query":<nowiki>{</nowiki>"from":"com.palm.media.audio.album:1"<nowiki>}}’</nowiki>
"returnValue": true,
"results": <nowiki>[</nowiki>
"_id": "<nowiki>++</nowiki>HdYJk8_Y4bg1JF",
"_kind": "com.palm.media.audio.album:1",
"_rev": 985,
"artist": "Muddy Waters",
"genre": "Blues",
"hasResizedThumbnails": false,
"name": "King Bee",
"serviced": false,
"thumbnails": <nowiki>[]</nowiki>,
"total": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"tracks": 1
<font size = "5">'''artist'''</font>
'''Kind''': com.palm.media.audio.artist:1
"name"                : string,
"hasResizedThumbnails" : boolean,
"serviced"            : boolean,
"thumbnails"          : thumbnail array,
"total" : <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"tracks" : int,
"albums" : int
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Artist name
|Has resized thumbnails flag
|Serviced flag
|thumbnail array
|Thumbnails for artist
|inline object
|See two elements below
|Total number of the artist<nowiki>’</nowiki>s audio tracks on the device
|Total number of the artist<nowiki>’</nowiki>s audio albums on the device
luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find <nowiki>’{</nowiki>"query":<nowiki>{</nowiki>"from":"com.palm.media.audio.artist:1"<nowiki>}}’</nowiki>
"returnValue": true,
"results": <nowiki>[</nowiki>
"_id": "<nowiki>++</nowiki>HdYJkH2p0_n5wU",
"_kind": "com.palm.media.audio.artist:1",
"_rev": 1004,
"hasResizedThumbnails": false,
"name": "Led Zeppelin",
"serviced": false,
"thumbnails": <nowiki>[</nowiki>
"total": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"albums": 1,
"tracks": 3
<font size = "5">'''audio file'''</font>
'''Kind''': com.palm.media.audio.file:1
"album"      : string,
"albumArtist" : string,
"artist"      : string,
"bookmark"    : number,
"createdTime" : number,
"disc": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"position": int,
"total"  : int
"duration"            : number,
"genre"                : string,
"hasResizedThumbnails" : boolean,
"isRingtone"          : boolean,
"modifiedTime"        : number,
"path"                : string,
"searchKey"            : string,
"serviced"            : boolean,
"size"                : number,
"sortKey": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"albumArtistDiscAndTrack" : string,
"albumDiscAndTrack"      : string,
"trackAndDisc"            : int
"thumbnails" : thumbnail array,
"title" : string,
"track" : <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"position" : int,
"total"    : int
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Album name
|Album artist
|Artist name
|The time this song was created, expressed in seconds elapsed since midnight on January 1, 1970 (epoch)
|inline object
|Position on disc
|Total songs on disc
|Duration in seconds
|Song genre, i.e., country, blues, etc
|Has resized thumbnails flag
|Is song a ringtone flag
|Last modified time, in milliseconds since epoch (aka Unix time)
|Path to song on device
|Used in searching
|Serviced flag
|File size in bytes
|inline object
|See three elements below
|Album artist disc and track
|Album disc and track
|Track and disc number
|thumbnail array
|Song thumbnails
|Audio file title
|inline object
|See elements below
|Track position
|Total number of tracks on file<nowiki>’</nowiki>s album
luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find <nowiki>’{</nowiki>"query":<nowiki>{</nowiki>"from":"com.palm.media.audio.file:1"<nowiki>}}’</nowiki>
"_id": "<nowiki>++</nowiki>HdYJjvp8ZbM2qS",
"_kind": "com.palm.media.audio.file:1",
"_rev": 966,
"album": "King Bee",
"albumArtist": "Muddy Waters",
"artist": "Muddy Waters",
"bookmark": 0,
"createdTime": 0,
"disc": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"position": 1,
"total": 1
"duration": 0,
"genre": "Blues",
"hasResizedThumbnails": false,
"isRingtone": false,
"modifiedTime": 1312324182,
"path": "/media/internal/HPMusic/Muddy Waters/King Bee/I<nowiki>’</nowiki>m A King Bee.mp3",
"searchKey": "Muddy Waters King Bee I<nowiki>’</nowiki>m A King Bee",
"serviced": false,
"size": 5555148,
"sortKey": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"albumArtistDiscAndTrack": "King BeeMuddy Waters100001",
"albumDiscAndTrack": "King Bee100001",
"trackAndDisc": 100001
"thumbnails": <nowiki>[</nowiki>
"title": "I<nowiki>’</nowiki>m A King Bee",
"track": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"position": 1,
"total": 0
<font size = "5">'''genre'''</font>
'''Kind''': com.palm.media.audio.genre:1
"hasResizedThumbnails" : boolean,
"name"                : string,
"serviced"            : boolean,
"thumbnails"          : thumbnail array
"total": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"albums": int,
"tracks": int
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="76%"
|Has resized thumbnails flag
|Genre name
|Serviced flag
|thumbnail array
|Genre<nowiki>’</nowiki>s thumbnails
|inline object
|See two elements below
|Genre<nowiki>’</nowiki>s total number of tracks
|Genre<nowiki>’</nowiki>s total number of albums
luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find <nowiki>’{</nowiki>"query":<nowiki>{</nowiki>"from":"com.palm.media.audio.genre:1"<nowiki>}}’</nowiki>
<font size = "5">'''image'''</font>
'''Kind''': com.palm.media.image.file:1
"albumId"          : string,
"albumPath"        : string,
"appCacheComplete" : boolean,
"appGridThumbnail" : <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"cached"  : boolean,
"dimensions" : <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"original-height" : int,
"original-width"  : int,
"output-height"  : int,
"output-width"    : int
"path" : string
"createdTime" : number,
"mediaType"  : string,
"path"        : string,
"thumbnails"  : thumbnail array,
"type"        : string
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Album ID
|Path to album on device
|App cache complete flag
|inline object
|See fields below
|Cached flag
|inline object
|See fields below
|Original height
|Original width
|Output height
|Output width
|The metadata information for the created time in seconds
|Media type
|thumbnail array
|Thumbnails for this image
luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find <nowiki>’{</nowiki>"query":<nowiki>{</nowiki>"from":"com.palm.media.image.file:1"<nowiki>}}’</nowiki>
<font size = "5">'''playlist'''</font>
'''Kind''': com.palm.media.audio.playlist.object:1
"name"      : string,
"songIds"    : string array,
"thumbnails" : thumbnail array
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Playlist name. Not necessarily unique
|string array
|In order array of db8 IDs of audiofile ("com.palm.media.audio.file:1") objects
|thumbnail array
|Playlist thumbnails
<font size = "5">'''thumbnail'''</font>
"type" : string,
"data" : <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"path"  : string,
"offset" : int,
"length" : int
"cacheEntry"  : <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"pathName" : string,
"aspect"  : string,
"width"    : int,
"height"  : int
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="91%"
|Thumbnail format - "external" or "embedded" (on device)
|inline object
|See three fields below
|Location on device
|Offset into path where data is contained
|Length of data in path (requires offset)
|inline object
|See four fields below
|Path determined from filecache/InsertCacheObject
|Aspect used to crop at width/height specified
|Cache entry width (less than or equal to this value)
|Cache entry height (less than or equal to this value)
<font size = "5">'''video file'''</font>
'''Kind''': com.palm.media.video.file:1
"albumId"          : string,
"albumPath"        : string,
"appCacheComplete" : boolean,
"appGridThumbnail" : <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"cached"  : boolean,
"dimensions" : <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"original-height" : int,
"original-width"  : int,
"output-height"  : int,
"output-width"    : int
"path" : string
"capturedOnDevice" : boolean,
"createdTime"      : number,
"description"      : string,
"duration"        : number,
"mediaType"        : string,
"modifiedTime"    : number,
"path"            : string,
"playbackPosition" : number,
"searchKey"        : string,
"size"            : number,
"thumbnails"      : thumbnail array,
"title"            : string,
"type"            : string
'''Elements '''
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Album ID
|Path to album on device
|App cache complete flag
|inline object
|See fields below
|Cached flag
|inline object
|See fields below
|Original height
|Original width
|Output height
|Output width
|Was file captured on device flag
|The time this video was created, expressed in seconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 (epoch)
|Video description
|Video duration in milliseconds
|Media type
|The time this video was last modified, expressed in seconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 (epoch)
|Path on device
|The last playback position in milliseconds
|Used in searching
|File size in bytes
|thumbnail array
|Video thumbnails
|Video title
|Path on device
luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find <nowiki>’{</nowiki>"query":<nowiki>{</nowiki>"from":"com.palm.media.video.file:1"<nowiki>}}’</nowiki>
"returnValue": true,
"results": <nowiki>[</nowiki>
"_id": "<nowiki>++</nowiki>HdXBgzxh0U_Raw",
"_kind": "com.palm.media.video.file:1",
"_rev": 726,
"albumId": "<nowiki>++</nowiki>HdXBhUxPpa5pdc",
"albumPath": "/media/internal/files",
"appCacheComplete": true,
"appGridThumbnail": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"cached": true,
"dimensions": <nowiki>{</nowiki>
"original-height": 166,
"original-width": 111,
"output-height": 200,
"output-width": 134
"path": "/media/internal/.photosApp/Generated/appGridThumbnail-<nowiki>++</nowiki>HdXBgzxh0U_Raw-HaveFun.jpg"
"capturedOnDevice": false,
"createdTime": 1242988599,
"description": "",
"duration": 52.600000,
"mediaType": "video",
"modifiedTime": 1306445850,
"path": "/media/internal/files/HaveFun.mp4",
"playbackPosition": 0,
"searchKey": "Palm Pre",
"size": 6417725,
"thumbnails": <nowiki>[</nowiki>
"_id": "205",
"data": "/media/internal/files/HaveFun.mp4:6411842:3835",
"type": "embedded"
"title": "Palm Pre",
"type": "local"

Latest revision as of 15:04, 24 May 2016


This pages describes the ongoing work on creating a Media Indexer solution for the LuneOS project. We aim to have an indexer that populates the db8 kinds so they are compatible with legacy db8 kinds. This way we can make sure that legacy apps using Media Indexer will remain functioning. For example when sideloading the legacy com.palm.app.music app, but also 3rd party apps written in Enyo 1/2.


We're going to create a single service solution rather than using three different services as legacy webOS did. Furthermore the idea is to write the full service as node.js service.

The service has the following tasks to do:

  • watch specific directories for files added/changed/removed
  • gather media information about the different files found (ID3 tags, Exif information, ...)
  • save all media files as entry in the db8 database

The following node.js modules might be needed:

Db8 kinds and data

Media Indexer

The schemas below detail the layout of media JSON data objects kept in db8 device storage; 3rd party applications can access this data using db8 service calls, principally, find and search.

As with all service calls, developers have the following options:

  • You can open a shell on a device through adb shell (actual device) or ssh (emulator) and use luna-send to test out accessing services at the command-line.
  • Enyo apps can use PalmService.
  • JavaScript apps and services can use Foundation library.

To access media data objects, you need to know the name of an object’s kind. Kind objects in db8 define the indexes and access control for stored JSON data objects. You must specify the kind when accessing data objects of that kind.

The Media Indexer has the following data objects and kinds. Note that the kind names are appended with a version number (i.e., ":1").

Data Type Kind
albumimage com.palm.media.image.album:1
album com.palm.media.audio.album:1
artist com.palm.media.audio.artist:1
audio file com.palm.media.audio.file:1
genre com.palm.media.audio.genre:1
image com.palm.media.image.file:1
playlist com.palm.media.audio.playlist.object:1
video file com.palm.media.video.file:1

User Permission

When launched, your app must get permission from the user to access media data objects. It can do this using the Media Permissions service.

Note about the 'luna-send 'examples

The luna-send examples shown below for each schema work because I created an app - com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr - that went through the process of getting permissions from the user. I then used the impersonate app option (-a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr) to get luna-send to work. You cannot get app permissions using luna-send.


Kind: com.palm.media.image.album:1



"accountId" : string,

"modifiedTime" : number,

"name" : string,

"path" : string,

"searchKey" : string,

"showAlbum" : boolean,

"sortKey" : string,

"thumbnails" : thumbnail array

"toBeDeleted" : string,

"total": {

"images" : int,

"videos" : int


"type" : string



Element Type Description
accountId string Account ID
modifiedTime long The last time the album was updated in milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, Midnight, 1970)
name string Display name for albums (local albums start off as folder name on disk)
path string Path to directory on disk
searchKey string Used for searching
showAlbum boolean Show album flag
sortKey string Used for correct sorting with priority
thumbnails thumbnail array A pre-populated array of up to three thumbnails to use as previews pulled from the first images of the album
total inline object Totals
images int The total number of album images
videos int The total number of album videos
type string Album type



luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find ’{"query":{"from":"com.palm.media.image.album:1"}}’


"returnValue": true,

"results": [


"_id": "++HdXBhUoqw7rwCP",

"_kind": "com.palm.media.image.album:1",

"_rev": 712,

"accountId": "",

"modifiedTime": 1310788496,

"name": "Wallpapers",

"path": "/media/internal/wallpapers",

"searchKey": "Wallpapers",

"showAlbum": true,

"sortKey": "900_Wallpapers",

"thumbnails": [


"_id": "2b3",

"data": {

"length": 0,

"offset": 0,

"path": "/media/internal/wallpapers/07.jpg"


"type": "embedded"



"_id": "2b1",

"data": {

"length": 0,

"offset": 0,

"path": "/media/internal/wallpapers/05.jpg"


"type": "embedded"



"_id": "2af",

"data": {

"length": 0,

"offset": 0,

"path": "/media/internal/wallpapers/01.jpg"


"type": "embedded"



"toBeDeleted": "",

"total": {

"images": 11,

"videos": 0


"type": "local"





Kind: com.palm.media.audio.album:1



"artist" : string,

"genre" : string,

"hasResizedThumbnails" : boolean,

"name" : string,

"serviced" : boolean,

"thumbnails": : thumbnail array,

"total": {

"tracks": int




Element Type Description
artist string Artist name
genre string Artist name
hasResizedThumbnails boolean Has resized thumbnails flag
name string Album name
serviced boolean Serviced flag
thumbnails thumbnail array Album thumbnails
total inline object See element below
tracks int Total number of tracks on album



luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find ’{"query":{"from":"com.palm.media.audio.album:1"}}’


"returnValue": true,

"results": [


"_id": "++HdYJk8_Y4bg1JF",

"_kind": "com.palm.media.audio.album:1",

"_rev": 985,

"artist": "Muddy Waters",

"genre": "Blues",

"hasResizedThumbnails": false,

"name": "King Bee",

"serviced": false,

"thumbnails": [],

"total": {

"tracks": 1






Kind: com.palm.media.audio.artist:1



"name" : string,

"hasResizedThumbnails" : boolean,

"serviced" : boolean,

"thumbnails" : thumbnail array,

"total" : {

"tracks" : int,

"albums" : int




Element Type Description
name string Artist name
hasResizedThumbnails boolean Has resized thumbnails flag
serviced boolean Serviced flag
thumbnails thumbnail array Thumbnails for artist
total inline object See two elements below
tracks int Total number of the artist’s audio tracks on the device
albums int Total number of the artist’s audio albums on the device



luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find ’{"query":{"from":"com.palm.media.audio.artist:1"}}’


"returnValue": true,

"results": [


"_id": "++HdYJkH2p0_n5wU",

"_kind": "com.palm.media.audio.artist:1",

"_rev": 1004,

"hasResizedThumbnails": false,

"name": "Led Zeppelin",

"serviced": false,

"thumbnails": [



"total": {

"albums": 1,

"tracks": 3





audio file

Kind: com.palm.media.audio.file:1



"album" : string,

"albumArtist" : string,

"artist" : string,

"bookmark" : number,

"createdTime" : number,

"disc": {

"position": int,

"total" : int


"duration" : number,

"genre" : string,

"hasResizedThumbnails" : boolean,

"isRingtone" : boolean,

"modifiedTime" : number,

"path" : string,

"searchKey" : string,

"serviced" : boolean,

"size" : number,

"sortKey": {

"albumArtistDiscAndTrack" : string,

"albumDiscAndTrack" : string,

"trackAndDisc" : int


"thumbnails" : thumbnail array,

"title" : string,

"track" : {

"position" : int,

"total" : int




Element Type Description
album string Album name
albumArtist string Album artist
artist string Artist name
bookmark number Bookmark
createdTime number The time this song was created, expressed in seconds elapsed since midnight on January 1, 1970 (epoch)
disc inline object  
position int Position on disc
total int Total songs on disc
duration number Duration in seconds
genre string Song genre, i.e., country, blues, etc
hasResizedThumbnails boolean Has resized thumbnails flag
isRingtone boolean Is song a ringtone flag
modifiedTime number Last modified time, in milliseconds since epoch (aka Unix time)
path string Path to song on device
searchKey string Used in searching
serviced boolean Serviced flag
size number File size in bytes
sortKey inline object See three elements below
albumArtistDiscAndTrack string Album artist disc and track
albumDiscAndTrack string Album disc and track
trackAndDisc int Track and disc number
thumbnails thumbnail array Song thumbnails
title string Audio file title
track inline object See elements below
position int Track position
total int Total number of tracks on file’s album



luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find ’{"query":{"from":"com.palm.media.audio.file:1"}}’





"_id": "++HdYJjvp8ZbM2qS",

"_kind": "com.palm.media.audio.file:1",

"_rev": 966,

"album": "King Bee",

"albumArtist": "Muddy Waters",

"artist": "Muddy Waters",

"bookmark": 0,

"createdTime": 0,

"disc": {

"position": 1,

"total": 1


"duration": 0,

"genre": "Blues",

"hasResizedThumbnails": false,

"isRingtone": false,

"modifiedTime": 1312324182,

"path": "/media/internal/HPMusic/Muddy Waters/King Bee/I’m A King Bee.mp3",

"searchKey": "Muddy Waters King Bee I’m A King Bee",

"serviced": false,

"size": 5555148,

"sortKey": {

"albumArtistDiscAndTrack": "King BeeMuddy Waters100001",

"albumDiscAndTrack": "King Bee100001",

"trackAndDisc": 100001


"thumbnails": [


"title": "I’m A King Bee",

"track": {

"position": 1,

"total": 0






Kind: com.palm.media.audio.genre:1



"hasResizedThumbnails" : boolean,

"name" : string,

"serviced" : boolean,

"thumbnails" : thumbnail array

"total": {

"albums": int,

"tracks": int




Element Type Description
hasResizedThumbnails boolean Has resized thumbnails flag
name string Genre name
serviced boolean Serviced flag
thumbnails thumbnail array Genre’s thumbnails
total inline object See two elements below
tracks int Genre’s total number of tracks
albums int Genre’s total number of albums



luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find ’{"query":{"from":"com.palm.media.audio.genre:1"}}’






















Kind: com.palm.media.image.file:1



"albumId" : string,

"albumPath" : string,

"appCacheComplete" : boolean,

"appGridThumbnail" : {

"cached" : boolean,

"dimensions" : {

"original-height" : int,

"original-width" : int,

"output-height" : int,

"output-width" : int


"path" : string


"createdTime" : number,

"mediaType" : string,

"path" : string,

"thumbnails" : thumbnail array,

"type" : string



Element Type Description
albumId string Album ID
albumPath string Path to album on device
appCacheComplete boolean App cache complete flag
appGridThumbnail inline object See fields below
cached boolean Cached flag
dimensions inline object See fields below
original-height int Original height
original-width int Original width
output-height int Output height
output-width int Output width
path string Path
createdTime number The metadata information for the created time in seconds
mediaType string Media type
path string Path
thumbnails thumbnail array Thumbnails for this image
type string Type



luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find ’{"query":{"from":"com.palm.media.image.file:1"}}’








































Kind: com.palm.media.audio.playlist.object:1



"name" : string,

"songIds" : string array,

"thumbnails" : thumbnail array



Element Required Type Description
name Yes string Playlist name. Not necessarily unique
songIds Yes string array In order array of db8 IDs of audiofile ("com.palm.media.audio.file:1") objects
thumbnails No thumbnail array Playlist thumbnails




"type" : string,

"data" : {

"path" : string,

"offset" : int,

"length" : int


"cacheEntry" : {

"pathName" : string,

"aspect" : string,

"width" : int,

"height" : int




Element Type Description
type string Thumbnail format - "external" or "embedded" (on device)
data inline object See three fields below
path string Location on device
offset int Offset into path where data is contained
length int Length of data in path (requires offset)
cacheEntry inline object See four fields below
pathName string Path determined from filecache/InsertCacheObject
aspect string Aspect used to crop at width/height specified
width int Cache entry width (less than or equal to this value)
height int Cache entry height (less than or equal to this value)

video file

Kind: com.palm.media.video.file:1



"albumId" : string,

"albumPath" : string,

"appCacheComplete" : boolean,

"appGridThumbnail" : {

"cached" : boolean,

"dimensions" : {

"original-height" : int,

"original-width" : int,

"output-height" : int,

"output-width" : int


"path" : string


"capturedOnDevice" : boolean,

"createdTime" : number,

"description" : string,

"duration" : number,

"mediaType" : string,

"modifiedTime" : number,

"path" : string,

"playbackPosition" : number,

"searchKey" : string,

"size" : number,

"thumbnails" : thumbnail array,

"title" : string,

"type" : string



Element Type Description
albumId string Album ID
albumPath string Path to album on device
appCacheComplete boolean App cache complete flag
appGridThumbnail inline object See fields below
cached boolean Cached flag
dimensions inline object See fields below
original-height int Original height
original-width int Original width
output-height int Output height
output-width int Output width
path string Path
capturedOnDevice boolean Was file captured on device flag
createdTime float The time this video was created, expressed in seconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 (epoch)
description string Video description
duration number Video duration in milliseconds
mediaType string Media type
modifiedTime float The time this video was last modified, expressed in seconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 (epoch)
path string Path on device
playbackPosition number The last playback position in milliseconds
searchKey string Used in searching
size int File size in bytes
thumbnails thumbnail array Video thumbnails
title string Video title
path string Path on device



luna-send -n 1 -f -a com.palmdts.enyo.mediaidxr luna://com.palm.db/find ’{"query":{"from":"com.palm.media.video.file:1"}}’


"returnValue": true,

"results": [


"_id": "++HdXBgzxh0U_Raw",

"_kind": "com.palm.media.video.file:1",

"_rev": 726,

"albumId": "++HdXBhUxPpa5pdc",

"albumPath": "/media/internal/files",

"appCacheComplete": true,

"appGridThumbnail": {

"cached": true,

"dimensions": {

"original-height": 166,

"original-width": 111,

"output-height": 200,

"output-width": 134


"path": "/media/internal/.photosApp/Generated/appGridThumbnail-++HdXBgzxh0U_Raw-HaveFun.jpg"


"capturedOnDevice": false,

"createdTime": 1242988599,

"description": "",

"duration": 52.600000,

"mediaType": "video",

"modifiedTime": 1306445850,

"path": "/media/internal/files/HaveFun.mp4",

"playbackPosition": 0,

"searchKey": "Palm Pre",

"size": 6417725,

"thumbnails": [


"_id": "205",

"data": "/media/internal/files/HaveFun.mp4:6411842:3835",

"type": "embedded"



"title": "Palm Pre",

"type": "local"


