Install LuneOS for qemux86

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This guide will walk you through the process of installing the lastest version of the VirtualBox Appliance of LuneOS.


Rules that you must agree to before using these images

Before you use our testing feeds, please read and agree to the following rules:

  1. Anyone participating in WebOS Ports alpha or beta testing of any kind must be prepared to fully delete their VirtualBox Appliance at a moment's notice without warning and without any regrets or complaints.

  1. They must be prepared to and able to log into the command line on the VirtualBox emulator and type Linux commands when instructed to do so. If you are not intimately familiar with linux GO NO FURTHER
  2. They must be prepared to go to great and extraordinary lengths to try and reliably reproduce any problems they encounter.
  3. They must give full and detailed bug reports, leaving out no piece of information which could possibly be remotely connected to the problem.
  4. They must read any and all documentation and forums threads (in their entirety) before asking a question.
  5. They must fastidiously follow the IRC Channel where the alpha testing is being discussed by the authors, and follow precisely any instructions given there.
  6. They will never post the raw testing feed URLs or instructions anywhere, but will always refer others directly to this page using only the URL http://testing-{{{device_name}}}
  7. When asking for help, they will include the phrase (which may change occasionally) "I've read and understand the rules". Failure to include the phrase will result in the request for help being silently ignored.

If you're not prepared to do *all* the above, and do it all in good spirit, then please wait for the public release of the item.

If you are prepared to do *all* the above, then by all means please participate in the alpha or beta testing.

Note that everything above is a function of attitude, not of skill.

Important Notes

The VirtualBox Emulator image can be used to test the LuneOS distribution when you don't have a supported device yourself


We're providing a emulator with the LuneOS project which enables you to play with the system on your local PC without the need to use a target device. The base for the emulator is Virtual Box.


First you need to download the emulator image. Currently we don't have an update mechanism implemented so you have to download and update your virtual machine on your own.

You will find the appliances for Virtual Box at (32 bits) or (64 bits). The archives are prefixed with webos-ports-dev-emulator-qemux86 (32 bits) and webos-ports-dev-emulator-qemux86-64 (64 bits). If you want to use always the latest image you can just use (32 bits) or (64 bits) which always points to the latest image.

Please note that the mouse and keyboard for the 64 bits version are broken currently, please use the 32 bits version for now!

As next step you need to download and install Virtual Box. Please see for any further details.

After you've installed Virtual Box you need to extract the downloaded emulator archive. It contains two files (webos-ports-emulator-disk.vmdk and webos-ports-emulator.ovf) which needs to be placed within the same directory. Now the appliance can be imported into Virtual Box. Start Virtual Box and select "File -> Import Appliance" from the application menu. In the following dialog select the extracted file webos-ports-emulator.ovf as the appliance to import and just follow the wizard. You don't need to change any of the preconfigured values. After the appliance was successfully imported you can start the emulator as any other virtual machine inside Virtual Box.

Access the virtual machine with SSH

The emulator has been configured to forward the port 22 (the port SSH is listening on) to the port 5522 of your PC. You can connect with SSH by running

 ssh -p 5522 root@localhost

on the command prompt of your Linux system or by using Putty on Windows.

Helpful Tip

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