Schedules/Beta Feature Plan

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This is a list of planned features for the Beta release of webOS ports images for the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7


  • to do => not started yet
  • in-progress => started, but not completed yet
  • done => completed


Status Project Description Contact
DONE wallpapers Collect pictures from wallpaper contest and package them [email protected] <scoutcamper>
TO DO documentation Document our development model in the wiki <Unassigned>
TO DO documentation Write a disclaimer for the first use application every user has to accept <Unassigned>
IN PROGRESS installer Create Installer for current targets for Windows,Linux and OSX [email protected] <ka6sox>
IN PROGRESS documentation Create a bug reporting guideline in the wiki scoutcamper <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE preware fetch and update feeds for applications/patches/... [email protected] <Garfonso>
DONE preware browsing through feeds [email protected] <ShiftyAxel>
DONE preware install/remove/update packages [email protected] <Garfonso>
DONE preware Package Updates Panel (UI) [mailto: Garfonso <>]
TO DO preware Package Dependencies/multi-install (UI) [mailto: Garfonso <>]
DONE preware Package Dependencies/multi-install (Backend) [email protected] <Garfonso>
DONE preware Settings UI [email protected] <Garfonso>
DONE preware Feed management UI [email protected] <Garfonso>

DONE Show a SIM PIN unlock screen whenever telephony reports SIM PIN is needed <morphis/Tofe>
TO DO Implement call control functionality <Unassigned>

DONE Connect to secured wifi networks [email protected] <ShiftyAxel>
DONE Edit screen lock settings of LunaSysMgr (None/PIN/Password lock) [email protected] <ShiftyAxel>

DONE Display licenses for needed packages <Unassigned>
DONE Fix not-working input fields <Unassigned>
DONE Fix not-working multi-touch support (aka pinch gesture ...) <Unassigned>
DONE,calendar,accounts Adjust for smaller resolutions than the TP like Galaxy Nexus / Nexus 7 <Unassigned>

Package Management / Feeds / Images

Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Core OS Updater New "updater" application <Unassigned>
DONE package-feeds Setup package feeds with some dummy packages for testing <Unassigned>
TO DO package-feeds Decied wether we want to sign our feeds cryptographically (opkg support gpg for this) <Unassigned>
TO DO meta-webos-ports Implement bbclass to mark packages to require a system reboot on install/upgrade/reboot JaMa <[email protected]>
DONE meta-webos-ports Implement recipe for webos-ports-image based on webos-dev-image JaMa <[email protected]>

System Level

Status Project Description Contact
DONE webos-telephonyd Implement needed WAN service API (getstatus/roaming control/disable+enable) morphis <[email protected]>
DONE webos-bugreport Implement simple solution to add meta data to core dumps morphis <[email protected]>
TO DO webos-bugreport Show notification when a component crashed and a bug report was generated morphis <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS luna-sysmgr Finish implementation of video acceleration for apps morphis <[email protected]>