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BS., Computer Science from the Howard Hughes College of Engineering at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1997. Since then I have made several attempts to start small software businesses but have not had good luck with that yet. My first enterprise out of college was in the are of real-time command and control systems using C++ and Model-View-Controller (MVC) domain architectures based on the rules of mathematical set theory. The advanced features of C++ allow one to do this. I did achieve the technical goals of that project.

Since abandoning the real-time C3 software engineering stuff I have been primarily engaged in independent applied computer science research of various sorts. Most of my work has been low-budget and self paid for. Backing up a little bit I want to say I have had an interest in mobile computing since the early 90's when I purchased an HP48 scientific calculator for school. I became proficient with the HP48 during college. The joy of exploratory mathematics I experienced with the 48 is something that has always stuck with me. Subsequently after my work with real-time C3 software engineering my attention turned to independent research with various Palm devices of the day. Namely the Tungsten T2 and Palm LifeDrive units. Both Palm units were running PalmOS. I was pairing the Palm units with with my mobile phone before the advent of iPhones or any other smart phones for that matter. Next was a USB thumb-drive RAID 1 project using Ubuntu GNU/Linux and I must say USB RAID 1 on a thumb-drive dongle was one of my favorite investigations.

After HP48 in college, real-time C3 software engineering research post graduate, Palm coupled with mobile phone to surf the web, and thumb-drive RAID 1 dongels I had the idea to offer second hand ThinkPad laptops refit with GNU/Linux however the netbook form-factor was introduced with equivalent hardware specifications which made my offering noncompetitive.

Next because I had an inventory of perhaps 1/2-dozen ThinkPads around I got the idea to build a wireless laptop Hadoop cluster. I did successfully developed a wireless quad-mesh Hadoop cluster using second hand ThinkPad T61 laptops. The cluster did start and run it's checking programs correctly but I had no other software to run on it and it was difficult to keep the nodes connected wireless at idle so i lost interest in that and moved on.

After dismantling my wireless laptop Hadoop quad-mesh I re-purposed the T61 ThinkPads as floating servers using their once again leveraging the T61 OEM wireless adapters but this time for web service. I called these laptop servers "floating servers" because they could run on their stock batteries with the lids closed and easily moved while in service without need for ground. I am proud to report my floating servers were robust and practical but after 8 or 10 months of living with them in a 1 bed-room apartment I preferred reclaim the space they took and put them away.

More recently I have been moving from Kubuntu GNU/Linux to Archlinux because I believe it will make me a more competent technical operator. And I have been maneuvering to become more involved with webOS which I have had my eye on for perhaps 18 months but financial constraints prevented my entry to the webOS arena before now.